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Mixed-Media Drawing and Painting

ID : 6994   
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Have fun working with mixed-media drawing and painting techniques! Using various types of art materials, we will take time to explore, practice, sketch, experiment, and also create projects. We will work with acrylic, gel mediums, collage, other drawing and painting mediums - and maybe even some “everyday” materials! This is a great chance to see the different creative expressions that are possible when combining multiple mediums to make a single artwork. This course is strongly influenced by abstraction, expressionism, and contemporary art, and emphasizes process as well as product (note this is also not a representational-style paint-sip type of course). All levels welcome, including beginners. Bring a sense of discovery! Students will provide their own materials - a list will be provided. The instructor has taught art in museums, art centers, and at the university level, and has a Master of Fine Arts in Visual Art.

Class Details

6 Session(s)
Weekly - Mon

Clovis Adult Education

Jamie Meadows 



Registration Closes On
Monday, April 28, 2025 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Skip dates: (No class on 04/14/2025, 04/21/2025)

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
3/10/2025 - 4/28/2025 Weekly - Mon 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM Clovis, Clovis Adult Education  Map Jamie Meadows